We have 3 streets in which the apartments are on. Apartment buildings are on the western side of the city.
There is "Ocean Alley", "Cloudstry", and "Underwater Villa".
Ocean Alley is above surface, and on the lower floors.
This street had a great ocean view, and are close to the shore so you can swim anytime!
Cloudstry is on the upper floors that give you a great view of the sky and the lake, the premium apartments
are above the clouds.
Underwater Villa, are the apartment buildings underwater! They give you a great view of the water and corals
on the seabed as well as the marine life!
Ocean Alley is a street on the west side of the city.
This street is filled with apartment buildings with gorgous waterviews that overlook the lake.
There are multiple apartment buildings and you can choose which features you would prefer to choose
the best product for you.
Cloudstry is the upper floors of the apartment buildings. The only way this place is accesible,
is to go the elevator lobby next to OceanAlley. In this lobby is a bunch of elevators that lead
to different apartment buildings.
Underwater Villa is the name of the apartment buildings underwater. These buildings are located below
the surface of the water. These apartments have a great view underwater of the protected marine life.