But what does it cost?

Home About us Our Services Prices

Study Night offers a range of different classes for your work, that also means that there is a range in prices and they will be judged according to your needs. There is an entry fee of $10 per person for each time you enter to go to Student Study Space or to any of the classes, this is so we can pay our staff and afford the resources we provide but the Relaxation Station is completely free

Chemistry prices: $110 per term

Biology prices: $90 per term

Physics prices: $100 per term

If these prices are too expensive for you here are just a few ways you can save up

You could:

- Sell some of your old items on trade me

- Make little trinkets to sell to friends or cousins

- Offer to walk your neighbour's dog

- Run errands for your neighbours or parents

- Do those chores you’ve been trying to avoid

- Wash cars

- Mow peoples lawns

- Have a garage sale

- Babysit

- Tutor kids that you’re babysitting