Innocent Lolmons Fall Victim To Keyruncy Thieves
The Scientists Journal, 18:07, Mar 17 2789
Recent scientific discoveries have shown that many lolmon all over lollyland
are the unfortunate victims of theives from a neighbouring country. These theives
have been reported to sneak outside lolmon houses where they keep
their keyruncy in a box on top of the doormat and steal it all in the middle of the night.
Out of the total lolmon population of 60000, 55000 lolmons have reported that their keyruncy boxes have gone missing!
For some quick background context: each lolmon is given 10000 keyruncy
when they are born. For easy keeping, most lolmon choose to squish all their
keyruncy into a small box. Becuase of the current keyruncy box stealing happening in lollyland, lolmons
do not have the money needed to buy sweets to eat!
Scientists studying lolmons have used the artifical intelligence lolmon speech translator to find out who
the lolmons suspect are stealing their sweets. The artifical intelligence lolmon speech translator has
translated the speech of lolmons into "I hate catvils.
They stole our keyruncy boxes." Catvils reside on the nearby island of Vildromea.

An artists depiction of a catvil after viewing security
camera footage
Police have reached out to catvil to confirm if rumors are true, but it appears that the president of Vildromea do not have messaging apps as they are not responding.