Entertainment on Nidavellir

In Nidavellir we have many places to keep you entertained while you live here, Firstly this is the golbtastic Themepark. We have various rides here such as the Killer coaster and The freak out! These are just some of the many rides we offer at our themepark.

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Nidavellir Cinema

Another place you can go to if you feel like relaxing or watching a goofy movie is the Nidavellir cinemas. We offer snack platters that includes, popcorn, a drink and any chocolate of your choice. This cinema has movies that are suitable for any ages and anyones likings.

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Super Splash Waterpark

THE SUPER SPLAH WATERPARK! exactly like the name, this place has endless fun and endless splashes. The slides here are ridiculously amusing that once you go on it you will immediately want to do it again and again.

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